Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Boo FaceBook!

I have been avoiding FaceBook like the friggin' plague for several years now and after an insatiable craving to find my dear friend from college Anne Pries, I soon realized that the only way I was going to be able to contact my long lost friend was via the dreaded website.

So I signed up.

And it's just as awful as I expected: it's completely addicting, I can't turn it off and I now spend all my free time "lurking." Yes, I confess - I'm too chicken to actually friend half the people I'm curious about, so I just nose through their lives (or at least, what's available on facebook) and let one person's page lead me to another and then another....augh, it's disgusting. I'm totally a lurker and I'm totally addicted. It's after midnight, my laptop battery is nearly extinguished and I can't stop. I'm exhausted! I don't want to look anymore!! Yet....I can't shut it down. (Stupid facebook.)

I will admit, it's nice to touch base with peeps I've previously been out of touch with, but there's something sickening about my relationship with this site already. Why do I feel compelled to enter every preference I have into this stupid website? Why do I feel like I'm doing a disservice to the world by not uploading my photos? Why am I constantly trying to come up with something to put on my wall? It's a disease. I have facebookitis. Bad. I'm going try not to develop a terminal case, but it will be hard.

Good-bye free time, it was nice knowing you.


Andrea said...

It is addicting at fist but then it gets old after a month or two and you are no longer obsessed....but then again there are those people out there that stay addicted. I much more prefer blog-stalking.

Anne Marie said...

Hahah - "blog-stalking" I like that :)

Brian Bowker said...

I totally love your flair with self portraits, Anne Marie!

Anne Marie said...

I try ;)

(There's just SO MUCH you can do with your face!!)

Cory Ferens said...

I love this post, I felt like you were talking right to me!

Anne Marie said...

I'm glad you liked it - it was actually fun to write. I kept rewriting it in my head when I was trying to go to sleep! Ahh, facebook - torturing me night and day...

Unknown said...

"Lurking" - love it!

The Terps said...

I can't believe you started on facebook! What happened to never doing it like us? I'm so disappointed!

Anne Marie said...

I KNOW!!! It IS kind of disappointing...but at the same time...(it's kind of fun too). :-|

I'm boycotting in my own way by NOT filling much of the info out/posting pictures though...so that's something.

Sara Caplis said...

I was never addicted until I was unemployed...now it's very nearly my only connection with what's really going on out there!

Glad you joined!

Shannon said...

AM! Thanks for the link, fun to look around and I fully intend doing the 10 on 10. Love projects like that! And thanks for the compliments on the vintage style pics, i like it too and am drawn to that style a lot. been trying it out a bit and think there's something sweet about the softness- i think it's a keeper. (gave up FB for lent)

The Norris Clan said...

AMC... you are SO right. There should be a support group for people like us addicted to FB. It has completely taken over the time I would have spent blogging... boo is right! Can't wait to see you this weekend at the MM festivities!