Thursday, January 21, 2010

Mass Transit Success!

Yesterday, I'm proud to announce, I discovered an express bus route that takes me to and from work in a reasonably efficient manner. I have to walk a fair amount (up first hill, augh!) but I figure the walking is good for me (right?).

Actually, my morning bus ride experience might make you chuckle. So, the bus stop where I am to be picked up is only three blocks from my house - a super easy commute. As I rounded the corner to walk the last block, I saw my bus pulling up to the curb. I immediately broke out into a sprint in an effort to catch the bus (duh). Unfortunately, to catch the bus, I had to cross two intersections (the stop was kitty-corner from me) and by the time I had dodged pedestrians and traffic alike, the bus was zooming away from me. Rats!

Now, if you've ever frequented a mass transist system, you know that the tricky thing about being new to any given route is knowing which side of the street (or tracks) to stand on. You could be in the right place at the right time and still end up going the wrong direction (which I've totally done before and when you get off after one stop, makes you feel pretty sheepish. Whatever, I'm over it.) So being the seasoned veteran that I am, I breathlessly checked the bus schedule on that side of the street and discovered, yay!, that bus was actually not my bus. then I commenced to make the "walk of shame" as I crossed the street again and inserted myself into the gaggle of people I had just sprinted through to run after ,what turned out to be, not my bus. Talk about feeling sheepish...heh heh...ah, yeah. (Insert gentle let-down, semi-awkward sigh here.)

As I got on the bus though, all was forgotten as I was stopped short when I took a seat next to Bullet-Tooth Tony*. No joke, I had to try and not stare. They guy really looked like him! (Although later that same day, I thought the Fed-Ex guy looked kind of shy-yet-adorable a la Bill Pullman, so perhaps it was just a faux celebrity sighting kind of day.)

*It's from the movie Snatch. If you don't know it...well, just forget I brought it up.


Brian Bowker said...

You need to practice some good cover lines for these types of situations.

For instance, when you were walking back across the street after missing the first bus you could have loudly proclaimed, "Well, I guess somebody else will have to tell that guy that his fly is down."

Anne Marie said...

Hhhahahahhah - ohhhh, how I wish I'd thought of that!!

I'll have to save it for next time ;)

(You make me laugh!)

Holly said...

so you got a job??!! Where, doing what? I don't have Twitter so it's a good thing I was perusing your blog for funny little tidbits and see your Twitter section.

The Norris Clan said...

That's too funny... I don't know how many times I did that in Chicago... ahhh... mass transit.