...is that you can shorten it and wear it again!
It's the mantra of enthusiastic brides everywhere. Too bad it's not true. I'm sorry brides of the world: It's. Just. Not. True.
Well not completely true anyway. We won't wear them for a legitimate reason ever again, but we will manufacture reasons to wear them and feel like we're getting a little more bang for our buck!
And that's exactly what we did on Tuesday night. Why? Well the answer is simple: it was the day 27 Dresses came out on DVD and it was the only proper way to truly honor the occasion.
We finished out the night with a door prize raffle. (That's right, when you come to my last minute impromptu parties - there are prizes.) One lucky bridesmaid walked away with her very own widescreen copy of our new favorite movie, 27 Dresses (Congrats Reanna!). After several minutes of Nazi like shushhing, I finally managed to reign in the giggling enthusiasm and we watched what will now be known as the "inaugural viewing".
111 minutes later we collectively sighed with satisfaction: yes, it was as good as we remembered it. All in all, it was a pretty good night. I mean hey, if the release of a new chick flick isn't a good reason to put on formal wear and drink in the middle of the week, then I don't know what is.
(P.S. I love James Marsden - he's so dreamy.)