Saturday, May 22, 2010

Children's Hospital

They've moved Julia to Children's Hospital and since the visiting hours are only until 8 and I'm not a primary care giver - I wasn't allowed in.

But Mark just called me with an update and they said they think that the bleeding isn't the result of a trauma during birth, but rather a blood vessel near the back of the head that didn't finish growing/seal closed/something more medically fancy. This doesn't really change the prognosis at all; it just gives us a clearer reason as to why.

So tomorrow morning (Sunday) they are going to do an MRI and get a better picture of what's going on in that area. If they are correct and it's an incomplete blood vessel, then they will go in through her femoral artery and fix it.

Again, still a little in scary territory (so keep on praying!!), but it could be so much worse, so I'm thankful for where we are.

Mark and Monica are pretty much completely emotionally and physically spent (they're staying the night at the hospital). So much of this is reminiscent of that last week with's hard to take in. Please be praying especially for them and the boys and send them any encouragement you can.

Thanks and with love...

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