Wednesday, June 18, 2008


So Guy Richie makes some cool movies. I'm sure most people have at least heard of Snatch (largely thanks to Brad Pitt I'm sure), if they haven't seen it themselves. Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels (its fraternal older brother, if you will) is equally as entertaining with just as many plot twists and huge cast o' characters as its successor. Jason Statham has a role in both movies and anyone who watches enough movies with me knows I love Handsome Rob*. So when I put Guy Richie's most recent film Revolver on my queue, I was expecting another quick paced, complicated plot, caper-type thing.

That was my bad. While a plot synopsis may have you believing it will round out your 3 DVD "trilogy" of Guy Richie films, it's really quite different. I'm not saying this because I'm about to rip the film a new one - just putting it out there to the viewing public to expect something different, good different. Instead of tagging along for another raucous adventure where everything is going blisteringly in the wrong direction, only to end surprisingly well, this movie is more of a mind-bender.

It's not that the plot is particularly outstanding or the the dialogue is necessarily profound, but the movie as a whole was both more psychological and artistic than I was expecting. When all the pieces came together, I was surprised and pleased with the result. I sat there on my couch and watched the entirety of the credits roll by before my 56k modem brain began rolling again. It was just really interesting.

In any case, I can't get over it. I'm dying to debrief with somebody. IMDB rates the movie a 6.2 out of 10 stars. Wikipedia says it's a film for a "narrow audience". I don't know, but I guess that must include me because I really liked it. Your mission blog readers (should you choose to accept it) is to review the movie for yourself and share your comments here**. I'm up for a discussion, are you?

*Jason Statham's character name in the Italian're gonna have to make an effort to keep up. ;)

**If you haven't seen the movie, I make no guarantee there won't be spoilers in the comment section...assuming anyone takes up my mission.


Brian Bowker said...

Say no more; It's in my Netflix queue!

Anne Marie said...

If you've seen the movie, be sure to take the mini-survey on the main page side bar.

Peter Plantenberg said...

I watch the movie this weekend and I'm not quite sure what to make of it. It was very stylized and visually interesting. But the plot was the hardest thing to wrap your head around. I'm still trying to figure out the roles the characters play in the overall story and how they are connected to one another. My thought was that Zach and Avi were contructs of Jake's mind essentially to help free him of his ego. Also, I thought that his ego (or alter ego) was Sam Gold. Does anyone else have ideas on this or am I completely wrong.

Peter Plantenberg said...

I watch the movie this weekend and I'm not quite sure what to make of it. It was very stylized and visually interesting. But the plot was the hardest thing to wrap your head around. I'm still trying to figure out the roles the characters play in the overall story and how they are connected to one another. My thought was that Zach and Avi were contructs of Jake's mind essentially to help free him of his ego. Also, I thought that his ego (or alter ego) was Sam Gold. Does anyone else have ideas on this or am I completely wrong.