Friday, May 9, 2008

No Pho on the First Date

So for lunch today, Danielle and I went on an adventure to try the new Vietnamese place in Bakerview Square called Soy slkdjf (I can't actually remember the name now). Our mission: to check out the Pho. Danielle's boyfriend is super into the Pho - and I'd only had it once before, so I was up for something new. But to our dismay when we got there, it was inexplicably closed. So we high-tailed it out of there hungry and disappointed and set about meandering for a new lunch destination (not a good idea on the Guide-ish at lunch time).

We decided to cut through the Cost Cutter/Christ the King parking lot when lo and behold - another Pho joint! Woo hoo! Pho Ly - here we come. (Incidentally we didn't know how to pronounce the name of this new find, but it did incite a round of repeating "Pho Ly, Pho Ly" to the tune of Wooly Bulley). Despite the parking lot being super crowded and adhering to the driving laws of London, we avoiding being squeezed out of existence by a semi (or semme, if you're Canadian, eh?), dodged an oblivious Hyundai and zipped into a spot directly in front of the door.

We made our way in and the place was packed - a good sign. After we were seated and ordered (Beef for Danielle, Hot & Spicy for me), she explained how it was necessary to flip the noodles over the meat so that the broth would cook the meat as it sat in the bowl. Cooool. Then she showed me her ingenious eating technique: use the chopsticks to put the noodles in your spoon, then dunk it for some broth and top 'er off with a piece of meat - and enjoy! It actually worked really well. I had minimal residual splash-back from my broth - I was quite pleased. However, I did notice that it was difficult to avoid shoving huge quantities of food in my mouth at a time (Have you seen those spoons?! They're HUGE!). Add to that the imminent danger of the splash factor, and we concluded: great eats, but no good for a first date. It's just not possible to look demure and lady-like while cramming all that goodness in. Personally, I'd rather save that for later maybe the second date.


The Norris Clan said...

No salad on the first date, either! You will inevitably get the large piece of lettuce the chef missed with his knife... there is NO way to look cute with a leaf hanging out of your mouth :-) I will have to try the pho. Never had it before...

Kristen said...

What is the USVI counter?? I keep trying to think of what it could mean... and I've got nothin'.

Brian Bowker said...

If you were obeying British traffic laws then your semi becomes a lorry.

Anne Marie said...

USVI = United States Virgin Islands...and I'm going there in, well, look at the ticker and you'll know. ;)