Wednesday, August 27, 2008


So even though quitting my job was one of the toughest decisions I have faced (so far) in this new journey, I have had the incredible opportunity to bless one of my very favorite friends by doing so. Now, I know that sounds weird at face value, but it's totally true.

By leaving my job I was able to offer it to my very good friend Kristen right when her family needed it. As it would turn out, in one of those mind-bending-God-is-awesome phenomena, the very morning that I called Kristen to offer her, well, my job, her husband had quit his job. It turned out to be a not so pleasant situation and they had decided it just wasn't right. Within a few hours I was knocking on the door, offering them a full-time position. God is so good!

So even though I'm sad to leave my first post-college job, I know in the end, it was the best thing for me to do. And in the mean time, I get to train my good friend all day for my last two weeks! And by "train", I mean giggle all day and take silly pics of ourselves. Heh heh. No, that's not really true. (*pause*) Okay, maybe it's a little true. :)

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