Monday, March 8, 2010

Movie Review: Valentine's Day

I know, I know - cheesy, girly, chick flick is written all over this movie - I won't deny it. But at least I salvaged a shred of self-respect by waiting until March to see it (I mean, right?).

In any case, I recently had the opportunity to go see the movie Valentine's Day with my new friend Katie and we made the best of it. I had actually heard the movie wasn't very good (which is saying a lot when a known quantity like a sappy chick-flick gets the thumbs down from a gaggle of girls), so our expectations were pretty low.

I think the idea behind the film was to build on the success of popular tangentially-related, multiple-plot type movies like Love Actually* or She's Just Not That Into You. Unfortunately the attempt comes off much like that kid in junior high with the cotton candy pink Wet n' Wild lipstick who is clearly trying too hard. In an effort to avoid the stereotypical, cookie-cutter endings to which most romantic comedies fall victim (and thus, why we love them), nearly every plot has an "unexpected" twist. While the effort to do something different is appreciated (...kind of), the end result stinks. It is instead a movie of overly predictable endings. You expect the unexpected (except of course for the main plot, which is 100% predictable...and probably the most enjoyable part of the movie, actually).

If you're going to attempt something like this, it requires authentic story lines with quality character building. Do I even have to tell you that quality plot doesn't touch this movie with a ten-foot poll? I didn't think so.

However, all is not lost for Valentine's Day. Even though the formula for the movie is clearly a poor man's Love Actually (even to the point of sub-plot mimicry), I will give it bonus points for humor. As much as I want to dislike Ashton Kutcher, he is goofy and awkward and completely charming in the most wonderful way. I was having absolute giggle fits over some of his scenes with Jennifer Garner. Jamie Foxx has a few good lines too and really, even though the plot with McSteamy turned out to be kind of lame - who cares! HE'S McSTEAMY!!!

As far as entertainment value goes, I have to give it a passing grade. I laughed, I cringed at the horrifically embarrassing high school scene, and I thoroughly enjoyed myself for 90 minutes. You've got to at least give it that. Would I recommend it? Not to spend money on. But at the same time, I felt like I got my $5/hour of entertainment out of it...just not as a quality movie. If you watch it, keep your expectations low, try to limit your predictions (for your own sake) and let yourself get sucked in by Ashton and Jennifer's charm. It'll be worth it (if you rented it from a Red Box or are watching it on someone else's dime).

My favorite part though was an out-take. For all you Julia Roberts fans out there, this one's for you (Note: this does not spoil the movie in any way - although, why would you be worried about that? - but it does spoil this funny out-take so continue at your own risk). During a scene near the end of the movie she is riding in a limo. The driver asks her if she's ever been shopping on Rodeo Drive. Without missing a beat she half-smiles and says, " time. Big mistake. Big. HUGE!**"

I was absolutely tickled! She used one of her own quotes in context. She's my new hero, I could've died happy right there :)

*If you haven't seen this movie - you really should. It's wonderfully done and the opposite of this movie I'm currently tearing to pieces.

**If you don't get this - I'm sad for you. Go watch Pretty Woman. Right now. Go!!


Unknown said...

Ok I'm lame...I saw it on opening day! I do agree though, my mind kept wandering to Love Actually. I thought Taylor Swift was hilarious in a ridiculous way, and Julia quoting herself in context in the out-takes was completely worth the movie!

Anne Marie said...

You're not lame - you have a hubby! It's lame for pining, single women, silly ;)

Taylor Swift WAS pretty annoying (and therefore hilarious), do you think she was even acting??

The Norris Clan said...

Yeah... haven't seen it yet. Probably will with Netflix eventually. But Love Actually is one of my top 5 favs to watch any day, any mood... so it will be hard not to compare :-) And I love that she quoted herself! She is witty, that Julia. Looking forward to Eat, Love, Pray