Thursday, July 3, 2008

iTunes for Free!

So I'm sure most everyone knows about the free itunes single o' the week - but are you taking advantage of it?

If you've checked it out before and thought: Pshaw! I've never heard of this joker, it can't be very good; not worth my time - I urge you to reconsider. While the artists are primarily "under the radar" (so to speak) they often don't stay that way for long. Of the 73 free songs I've taken advantage of, 11 of them have shown up either on the radio, in commercials or on movies. For those of you who are stat geeks out there, it works out to almost 14%! Now I know that doesn't sound like a lot, but I'll tell you what: when you hear a song somewhere that you downloaded for free, it's pretty sweet. You get the notion that you're ahead in the game, baby.

And I know what you're thinking: if I've never heard of it, how will I know if it's worth my time? Well that's the beauty of it being free, my friend. My philosophy is if I listen to the 30 second preview and don't hate it (notice I did not say "like it"), if I don't hate it - then I download it. As it comes up on shuffle through my list if it turns out I like it: score! If it turns out I don't: bah-leted! Small risk, big gain.

So how do you get on this free train, you ask? Easy enough - itunes releases new free songs every Tuesday (if you're lucky there are 2 or 3, instead of just one!). Check it out once a week and you're good to go. Or, if this responsibility is too cumbersome, you can get click for a free RSS feed and be notified automatically :)

Pretty cool, eh?

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