Wednesday, January 21, 2009

THE Date

So I know you're all waiting with bated breath to find out how my first blind date was, but unfortunately it was neither a huge disaster, nor magically fairytale-esque. I know, disappointing, huh?

Instead it was a typical date. Now don't get me wrong - I had a fun time and it was an extremely positive first blind date but, well, you know how I like to tell a story...and when it comes to recounting this date as a story, well, there's just not much to tell.

We ate at the Crab Pot in downtown Seattle on the Pier (which I highly recommend, by the way: excellent food you get to attack with your hands, rolls of paper towels at the table, and a huge bowl on the ground to throw all your scraps in - what could be better?) and enjoyed good conversation over the cracking of crab shells. We laughed quite a bit, which I of course enjoyed immensely, but then I am pretty funny, so....

After which we made our way down the street to a little jazzy bar and listened to the band over a few drinks. It was more difficult to have "quality" conversation as it was pretty loud, but we each polished off two drinks before we called it a night. At that point we hugged good-night and went our separate ways.

See? I told you: a good night, but not a very good story.


Cory Ferens said...

so will you see him again? sounds like it was fun at least...

Anne Marie said...

Sure, I'd go out with him again, but it definitely wasn't a "love connection"...

Emily said...

I just found your blog, Bellingham-friend! Thanks for letting me "listen in" to your exciting life. :)

Finger food on a first date is awesome. Love connection or not, at least you set a precedent for fun-ness.