Thursday, September 18, 2008

Last Ditch Effort

First of all, this is just the most beautiful beer. How can a person not love Guinness? I just don't get it. But that's another post for another day.

Quiz Night - round 4. I'm not going to lie to you: I was feelin' the mojo. We finally had a semi-consistent team together, we had a few practice rounds under our belts, it was my final try...yeah, I was feelin' the mojo. Maybe not first place ('cause WOW do you have to be good for that), but perhaps 2nd or 3rd. That would represent a significant improvement; certainly, a victory.

We took our customary seats at the bar and prepared ourselves - this was going to be the night. We had been studying. Andi had been listening to NPR for hours on end. This: was it.

The quiz was handed out and the first half topics looked o-kay. Not great, but do-able. Too bad after all 25 questions had been read, we still had our eyebrows permanently raised in a wtf?? expression. Hmm, my mojo-meter isn't usually that far off. Probably just a temporary glitch. The second-half results came out and the quiz master announced a new low: 2 questions right out of 25. O Lord, please don't let that be us!!

Fortunately we were spared that particular embarrassment. In fact, as he continued reading team names, it slowly dawned on us, we were near the top. Turns out the first half of the quiz had been hard for everyone. Yesss! We had only gotten 7 correct, but only a couple teams placed ahead of us. Definitely withing clawing distance. That's right baby: mojo.

Second half was distributed and this looked much better. Right up our alley. In fact, we were quite confident about almost all our answers. Looks like my mojo-meter might have been right! We handed in our quiz and drank our "spirits", confident of success. Soon all the quiz answers were read and our fate was announced. Unfortunately for us, much of the bar had the same mojo with the second half as we did. Humph. When all was said and done, we didn't place at all, but finished in the middle of the pack. Guess my mojo-meter needs a little fine tuning...

In any case, it was a fun endeavor. I'm glad we did it and had a blast snickering and inventing fake answeres with my team. Thanks friends, you're a wealth of irrelevant knowledge!!

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