Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Blog Strike

Alright people. There is a SERIOUS lack of commenting happening on the blog. I know you're out there reading it (I'm tracking it), but you're not responding.

While that's all good and well for you the reader - I need feedback! It's the only way I feel connected to you...and not just the other way around.

So. I'm officially holding the next three blogs ransom. They're about Cinque Terre and my new friends and I know you want to read them...

But until I get some action - you're not gonna!

How do you like them apples? ;)

P.S. - Cory thanks for your comment about David, I appreciate that.


Kristen said...

This comment is on Rish's behalf. She says she is still trying to catch up on all your posts and is fine if you hold your posts ransom for a bit longer.

I completely disagree though. I would like to see them ASAP, otherwise I'll hold Lizzie ransom for three days when you come back back and are ready to take her. You better think about the appropriate course of action.

Anonymous said...

Please don't take the blogs away! We need to know what's going on over there! How can I enjoy my day unless I know if wrussling-plastic-bag-lady gets her cosmic retribution?

What if there is some amazing flavor of gelato that I've never heard of? How will I know what that flavor is????

How will we know if the reason that the David statue suddenly crumbles and falls was because somebody used flash photography? (OK that was low).

anywho, we love ya lots lil' sis. Keep the blogging coming...or going as it were.

BTW the Simpsons Halloween Special #19 is on next Sunday (if XIX means 19, I think it does), can you believe they have been on that long? If seems like just few years ago that Bart was a spoiled 4th grader, that Lisa was a nerdy overacheiving 2nd grader, and that Homer would get drunk and say and do hilarious things. "If I were that drunk, I think I'd remember!"

Taylor said...

I'm not giving you action. It wouldn't be right. I do enjoy your blog, though.

Holly said...

Aww, c'mon!! C'mon. C'mon. C'mooon!!

Although, you know I love to boycott things I don't agree with so I applaud you for that, I don't think I can handle not reading your newest blogs!! When you didn't post anything for a few days, I was worried! I almost called your dad to make sure he'd been in contact with you recently and if he hadn't if he could get on that asap!

So do these new friends include a man named Phillip from SC? BTW - lil' bit jealous about the accent, those Carolinians have some of the best!

Unknown said...

Ok I admit it, I've been reading your blog and not commenting. You caught me! So, I gotta agree with Mark, don't take the blog away! What else will I be able to read as a way to de-stress after working with tantrum-throwing children all day?

I'm loving keeping up on your travels and keeping my mom updated as well, and sometimes your mom (aka the technologically challenged). Keep it up!

Anne Marie said...

Clare! It's great to hear from you! I love that you have to keep both our moms up-to-date since they are technically challenged - hahahahah! Hilarious!

Thanks for the comment - I'm glad to hear I'm a part of your daily "de-stress" :)

Anne Marie said...

Oh and yes Holly, adventures being held ransom include Philip from SC.

And yes, it's quite a good accent :)

(Which was really hard for me to not mimic, by the way - that was a strange sensation. I had to keep telling myself: you're from Washington; speak like it. Which then caused to make fun of how I say "bag.")

And yes, he could very well be reading all this - ha!)

Brian Bowker said...

Aaahhh!! I had a busy couple three days and didn't keep up on my reader and all of a sudden I'm TEN posts behind AND your holding your posts ransom! Holy Crap! Slow down, girl; I can't read that fast!

The Norris Clan said...

My only excuse is life is crazy busy... sorry! I love catching up on your travels... can't wait to read more. Miss you!