Friday, October 3, 2008

Where in the World is Anne Marie?

FYI: I intend to post a map in the side bar of where I currently am (and where I've been), but I just ran out of internet time!! Stay tuned!

P.S. If I haven't included any details you want to know/pics of stuff you want to see, post a comment and I'll hook you up, yo.


Andi said...

Beautiful, beautiful and more beautiful. Remember, you can always go back's your trip! Is the water swimable? Have you seen any clif jumpers? Is your Suitcase/backpack working for you? I don't think that guy from REI went to Italy and stayed in a hotel that required going up 400 stairs. Hummmmmmmm...

Anne Marie said...

The water is definitely swimable...though I haven't done it yet (some things are just more fun with friends).

I haven't seen any cliff jumpers yet (but I'll keep my eyes peeled!)

And the suitcase/backpack duo is working great! It's a wee bit heavy, but I can roll it if need be. I really like it, we piced well!!