After my very full day, I decide on a quiet evening with my computer. At some point in my previous roamings, I had spotted free wifi at an Irish Pub. My mission tonight was to find that pub again, and make use of its fabulous offer.
The only crummy part of the deal is that it’s in the area of town that is not serviced by the metro; this means I’m walking. Fortunately, I do a fair job navigating and (eventually) find it. And to my great surprise, it’s a tapas bar to boot! So for the low, low price of 4 EU for my Newcastle, I also have dinner and all the internet I can get. So happy!
When it gets close to 11 (and the lights dim and the mmph-chh mmph-chh mmph-chh music comes on) I consider that my cue to leave. I try to obey the 10pm curfew my Italian guardian from a café at home gave me, but some days are better than others. I make the long walk home and as I turn into my building, who do I see walking out other than Jed!
Immediately I think, “What is he doing here!?” so I say, “What are you doing here?!” and he tells me how his flight out of Ciampino (the small Rome airport) was shut down today because a bird flew into the engine of a plane (Seriously? You just can’t make that crap up). They told him to come back in several hours. So he does and it turns out his flight was rerouted out of Fiumicino (the big Rome airport), but now he’s missed it. So he was now stuck in Rome for one more night. Sucks to be him.
He was actually on his way out because he realized he’s left a book on the bus and he’s going to try and go get it – do I want to walk with him? It’s 11:30 by now and I’m tired, but I figure, sure – why not? So we speed walk it over there (swapping further stories on the day) and he makes it in time to rescue his book – woo hoo! We then make the leisurely walk back and I tell him how sad I think the Colosseum, etc. is.
When we arrive, he tells me that due to his exhausting day, he opted for one of the hotels in our building, instead of the hostel (wasn’t in the mood to share a room – can you blame him?) But he tells me if I ever want to visit England, I’ve got a place to stay. Sweet! We say our good-byes (again) and I head up the extra two flights of stairs to the hostel.
When I come in, the Pakistani dude on duty at the desk immediately starts giving me the third degree about Jed. “Where is your boy?” he says. My boy? Well, he must mean Jed... “Oh, he’s not with me,” I say. “Yes, I just saw you. I was watching you on the camera. He stay somewhere else?”
Well this is semi-creepy/personally invasive. Not only do I now have to break the news to this guy that Jed is cheating on the hostel, but I feel like a kid out past curfew. “Uhh, oh yeah, him. He's actually not with me; I met him here. He missed his flight home, so he decided to stay in one of the hotels tonight. Ya know, wasn’t in the mood to share a room…” I’m hoping this will pacify him and he’ll just give me my room key so I can finally go to bed. “I have single room! Why doesn’t he come here?” (Dude, I don’t know….)
To my relief, he drops the subject. However, he picks up several equally undesirable ones: Am I single? How old am I? You’re American!? You’re new president is just like the last one – he say different things, but has same policy. He will try to control China. Italian girls are beautiful and intelligent; American girls can’t be alone. Why are you alone?.....aughhhh!
Finally I just give it to him straight and say I really must go to bed now. He relents and, after giving me his card with is number on it, (which I accept in order to expedite the process) he finally gives me my key. Ahhh, my sweet bed! I thought I’d never get here!!
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Dinner-ish & After-ish
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