Monday, November 17, 2008

Michelangelo or Bernini?

It has occurred to me, with all my big talk about sculpture, you might be wondering, who is better: Michelangelo or Bernini? You ask a tough question, my friend.

Michelangelo stimulates an emotional response. His works actually move me and create a feeling in me. Bernini, on the other hand, is captivating. His works make me want to touch them and explore all the angles to fully understand them (which is why it is considered baroque…but still – he does it exceptionally well). Michelangelo’s pieces are intense and still; Bernini’s are dramatic and active. Both are terrifically life-like and demand your attention. I’m afraid this one is simply too close to call. It’s like asking me, what is my favorite food? That answer to that is largely dependent on my mood at the moment; I think the same applies here.

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