Friday, November 14, 2008

A Few Thoughts On Hill Towns

In general, I very much enjoyed the hill towns I visited. Each one offered incredible views and a glimpse of small-town, Italian life. They really afford you the opportunity to see what Italy is, both visually and culturally.

However in order to truly enjoy them, I think two things are necessary: 1.) You have really be in the mood to sloooow down. Not much is happening in these towns and many of the "conveniences" you're used to (even for Italy) just aren't available. Being here is simply about...being here. If a slow stroll through town is not your idea of "the highlight of the day," then do yourself a favor and skip the hill towns altogether. 2.) If downshifting a gear (or two) does sound appealing, then I would suggest bringing someone to downshift with. I haven't really felt lonely during my travels, but I was certainly more aware that I was alone in the hill towns. There is less to do and to see and with no one to chat with...I was more inclined to be a little bored.

Does that mean I regret visiting the hill towns? No way man! They're certainly a fine slice of Italian life, and I'm glad to have the experience in my repetoire; however, I wouldn't re-visit without first meeting the above two conditions ( case you were wondering).

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