Volterra is to be the first stop in what I’d like to call “Hill Towns Week.” Usually the biggest sight in these tiny towns is the town itself (and the views!), which, frankly, is a nice relief. If you couldn’t read my non-verbals in Siena, well then, you weren’t paying attention my friend. I’m clearly a wee-bit sight-seeing burned out. Instead I’d rather spend some time just living La Dolche Vita. So that’s just what I did.
After my morning cappuccino (and dodging a little rain) I acquainted myself with the few sights and the few streets of Volterra and was soon able to tuck away my map and simply wander. I found a cute little place for lunch and (unsurprisingly) had the gnocchi with ham and tomato sauce (yum!) A quick scope of the dessert menu and I spotted panna cotta (It calls to me and I must answer. I am helpless to it’s beckoning!), but this time with fruit instead of chocolate. I wasn’t really hungry, but I went ahead and ordered it anyway. I thought to take a picture, but decided against it, as it was in a little ramekin and all you could see was the fruit (and you’ve all seen fruit before). This was simply not a good enough presentation for you, my readers, so I just ate it instead. Mmm, it was still delicious though!
From there I discovered a very cool internet café and spent a few hours blogging, reading, and practicing my Italian (if I learned anything from yesterday, it was that I still need MUCH practice). I was so enjoying the relaxing pace in my day that I had to force myself out of the café (if I don’t get my daily walking in – I AM going to turn into a fatty mcbutter pants on the Italian diet). And I’m glad I did – the view was amazing!! I took pictures and stared until I was too cold to stay still anymore.
After that I meandered back into town for a slice of pizza (still semi-full from lunch) and then headed back to the monastery to enjoy the luxury of having a single to myself.
*For all you Twilight fans out there: I hear this is the small Italian town where the story takes place…or where the vampires are from…or something of this nature?
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